Homeowner Services

Catalina Habitat Staff Homeowner Services Specialist The start of the New Year initiated some exciting changes in the Homeowner Services Department. Catalina Frank, joined our team to support our Spanish-speaking community and a growing group of future families. She also has a marketing background that is being put to great use in recruiting qualified partner families. Read more about her background and talents on our Staff Page. As of April, the Homeowner Services department has hosted two (of the four scheduled) Homeowner Information Sessions. Each session is followed by one-on-one pre-housing counseling meetings with interested clients to begin preparing them for the goal of homeownership. Bend Habitat will likely choose four new partner families with the anticipated summer application cycle. This new process also gives us more quality time to coach, educate and work with our community partner agencies. A win for everyone. Did you know that with housing counseling, a homeowner is 34% less likely to foreclose?  In February, we attended the NeighborWorks America training in Seattle. I was able to continue with credit counseling and financial coaching while Catalina completed her Housing Counseling certificate. Having two housing counseling certified staff allows us to better serve potential Habitat families.  And, we are proud to report that over the last 6 months, Bend Habitat homeowners have had less than 3% delinquency rate. In addition, in April, one homeowner paid off her Habitat mortgage (congratulations, Wendy Simpson!). 32x GreaterWe also know that our homeowners are making a difference in our community and in their personal and professional lives. A Homeowner’s net worth is 36 times greater than a renters, according to the Federal Reserve. We have heard from many of our Habitat homeowners and their children who are going back to school and advancing their earning potential.  Children of homeowners are 25% more likely to graduate from high school and 116% more likely to graduate from college. And statistics show that children of homeowners are 59% more likely to own a home within 10 years of moving from a parent’s household. By creating and supporting homeownership opportunities, we are creating a better community and changing lives. Thank you for your participation in this journey. – by DeeDee Johnson – Director of Family Services[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]]]>